Peace and Renewal is like a wonderful reset button for when life gets crazy.  And we know it often does!

This workshop offers relaxation with the healing power of Reiki. The group will be led through classic restorative poses where the body is fully supported allowing the muscles to relax and open while encouraging the release of tension and stored up toxins. While in these poses, participants will receive hands on Reiki to balance the chakras. Reiki is a form of energy therapy that enhances the natural healing system of the body creating relaxation and a sense of well being.

Private Appointments

Cost: Please contact me for pricing and information


When:  TBA & Fee to be arranged (Private or small group available for that luxury experience)

Where: currently online via zoom or in person small group

Contact: 905-431-7133

Cost: $25 for Essential Lavender Healing evening.

Tuesday November 8, 2022 (Reiki Peace & Renewal) 7pm-8:30pm