
Yoga is an incredible tool to help us get in touch with our bodies and what we need.  As we practice we can also cultivate more of what we want and need.  In a yoga practice we do this through the postures, meditation, and with mudras and mantras.

In Yoga, I often incorporate a lot of Self Love Poses.  They are designed to cultivate compassion, self-love and self-acceptance.

Meditation is also a powerful way to reconnect with yourself.  As we practice we become more aware of ourselves and that helps us recognize our strengths struggles in a better way.  And when we get to that kind of awareness, we feel more comfortable with our body, mind and spirit.

Private Classes:

$65 - Please contact me for private sessions at my location

Drop In Classes:

Currently online via Zoom.

Yin: Monday Mornings 9:30 am - 10:30am

Preregister - $48 for a 4 week session

Yin Yoga

"The quieter you become the more you can hear." -Ram Dass

Yin yoga is a deliciously deep, meditative and reflective practice.

Yin works the deeper layers of the body, joints, fascia and bones. Yin is deeply healing and nourishing with profound physical, emotional and energetic effects.

Through a Yin practice, we touch base with who we truly are. Live with more grace, strength and courage.

Benefits of a Yin Yoga practice:

  1. Flexibility is increased.

  2. Self-regulated healing is promoted.

  3. Tension and stress are alleviated.

  4. Heart is opened and Chi is unblocked.

  5. Energetic toxins are released.

Mantras and Mudras

Mantras and Mudras are a powerful way of deepening your practice.

A Mantra creates a sound with different levels of vibration. With vibration, there is energy. Positive word affirmations.  If you use them in a certain way, they become a key to open up a different dimension of life and experience within you.

A Mudra is a hand position that balances energy in the body and mind.  Mudras are for healing and combined with Mantras have a significant effect on one’s peace and clarity.


Yoga Nidra, is a deep healing transformative practice.  When people come to a class it gives them the mental permission to be still.

Just think about it, when was the last time you let yourself be still?

Yoga Nidra is actually a form of meditation.  It’s a process that gives us an experience of knowing and becoming aware of our whole self, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and the deepest place within ourselves, our True Self. 

It offers us a safe, sacred time inside ourselves for a deep renewal.

Plus an hour of practicing Yoga Nidra has been shown to equal two to three hours of deep sleep so it’s a great way to treat yourself and recharge. 


Currently running Online healing evenings with Essential Lavender - next evening TBA $25

Private and Group sessions available. Please contact me for pricing and information.